
The pirate: caribbean hunt ships
The pirate: caribbean hunt ships

This app is rated 5 by 1 users who are using this app. The Caribbean Pirate: Sail of Fortune is gamemavericks,caribbeanpirates,adventure,caribbean,pirate, content rating is Medium Maturity (PEGI-16). Now I'm just casually sinking every ship I see until more content comes.Download APK File (80.10 MB) Get from Google Play App Description After about a week, I have all maps opened, all pirates dead and trading company ports taken, all bases fully upgraded, and a fighting fleet of four fully upgraded 1st-class ships. Pick up smuggling jobs as you find them for easy money. Just sail to each of your bases and sell all the supplies that base made, over and over. Getting in fights means repairs and resupply, and you won't make much money overall. To quickly upgrade, don't waste time doing missions other than smuggler jobs. Bigger Cabins is good if you like boarding, but you'll have to pay more wages for a larger crew. In each step, upgrade your ships with at least the Tough Hull, Deadly Cannons, Faster Reloading, Larger Rudder, and Copper Plating upgrades, and everything in the Sailing section. Same deal, get a full fleet of 2nd-class and then look for a 1st-class. If you take too much damage, just move away and bring in another ship.Īfter getting your first Man-o'war, work up to a fleet of 3 or 4 of them. Get as close as possible to the damaged side and grapeshot the crap out of it. Then you're ready to start killing the crew with grapeshot. Once he's crippled, set your fleet to evade to get them out of the fight, then move in with your ship of choice with regular cannon balls and get a side of the ship down to low health, 1/3 or less. It doesnt matter how many guns he has if he can't point them at you. Try to get both front and back sails down to 1/3 or less, ideally just destroy them entirely. Set your entire fleet to attack with chain balls. The key is to hit it with chain balls, a LOT.

the pirate: caribbean hunt ships

Just move around from port to port until you find a mission with the ship you want. Look for escort missions, the blue/red marker, as they have military ships escorting a civilian cargo ship.

the pirate: caribbean hunt ships

You won't find the good military ships for sale in any port you have to capture them. Spoiler: (#spoiler) = Mods rock LIGHT MODE DARK MODE BIG MODE SMALL MODE RULES AND SELF PROMOTION GUIDELINES - PLEASE READ BEFORE PARTICIPATING /r/AndroidGaming Discord Server Come talk about Android Gaming! Custom Subreddit Filters Browse self posts only Browse link posts only Browse without promotional posts Android Gaming Wiki Game Discords List Related Subreddits Discuss your favorite titles, find a new one to play or share the game you developed.

The pirate: caribbean hunt ships